Official statistics show real wages declining by 24% 官方统计数字表明实际工资下降了24%。
According to official statistics in2003, immigrants made up6.2% of the total population. 根据2003年的官方统计数据,国外移民占全部人口的6.2%。
The group is financed by the American government, and if its measures are deemed reliable they could become official statistics. 这一专家小组由美国政府资助,如果该测量方法被视为可靠依据,便可能成为官方统计的数据。
Unemployment figures are remaining obstinately high. I happen to have the official statistics with me. 失业人数数据仍然顽固地居高不下。我碰巧身边有官方的统计数字。
China publishes more than 400,000 different book titles last year ─ a 14.4% increase from 2011 ─ according to official statistics. 据官方统计,以不同的书名来看,中国去年出版的书籍数量超过40万种,较2011年增加了14.4%。
Official statistics on dating violence do not exist in China, although domestic violence figures are readily available. 约会暴力的官方数据在中国不存在,虽然家庭暴力的数据是现成的。
According to official statistics, the Japanese work longer hours than workers in many other industrialised countries. 据官方统计,日本人比许多其他工业国家的工人工作时间要长。
I happen to have the official statistics with me. 我碰巧随身带着官方统计资料。
All official statistics of DSEC are available free of charge to data users. 所有统计暨普查局公布的官方资料均免费提供予资料使用者。
Official statistics most likely underestimate the size of the housing bubble. 这些官方数据极有可能低估了住宅市场泡沫的规模。
These cases are also missed in official statistics. 这些病例也未列入正式统计数据。
Other analysts say there are far more leveraged purchases of real estate than recognized in the official statistics. 其他分析师说,购买房地产的贷款金额要远远大于官方统计。
But beyond the upbeat official statistics, the government is wary about anything that could spark social unrest. 但在乐观的官方统计数据以外,政府对可能引发社会不稳定的任何事都小心翼翼。
By comparison, official statistics show the average private sector employee was paid just over$ 40,000. 相比之下,官方数据显示,私营部门普通员工的工资仅略高于4万美元。
Questions over the accuracy of official statistics are a disaster for public policy. 外界对官方统计数据准确性的质疑对公共政策来说是一场灾难。
Google is using its vast database of web shopping data to construct the 'Google price index' a daily measure of inflation that could one day provide an alternative to official statistics. 谷歌(google)正利用其庞大的网络购物数据构建“谷歌价格指数”(googlepriceindex)这个每日通胀衡量指数有朝一日可能会提供官方统计数据之外的另一个参考。
The official statistics do not capture these gains. 而官方的统计没有将这些受益囊括在内。
The report justifies wider measures of well-being partly by noting that the public must have trust in official statistics. 为了证明增加生活质量的度量标准是合理的,这份报告一部分通过强调公众必须信任官方统计。
The effect is even showing up in official statistics. 从官方统计数据中甚至也能看出这种影响。
Pre-university numbers rose 30 per cent last year according to official statistics, which do not give a total. 官方数据显示,去年中小学留学生人数增长30%,这还不是完全统计。
Furthermore, he says, the real level of Chinese income, held in cash or hidden from view, is higher than captured in official statistics, a long-held assumption corroborated by recent research. 而且,葛艺豪表示,中国人真实的收入水平(现金收入或灰色收入)高于官方统计数字,这个久已有之的假设在近期的研究中得到了印证。
Compared with the interest rates in the market, official statistics are conservative. 与市场利率相比,官方统计数据有些保守。
It is also possible that real incomes increased more than the official statistics suggest. 也有可能是另外一个原因,那就是贫民实际收入的增长超过了官方的统计数据。
The coverage and quality of official statistics; 官方统计数字的覆盖率和质量;
However, the location and quality of the buildings are most likely not controlled for in the official statistics. 不过,官方统计数据多半未考虑房屋地理位置和房屋质量这两个因素。
There is a substantial credibility gap between what official statistics show and what employers feel on the front line. 官方数据与雇主在第一线的感觉之间存在重大差异。
Nobody seems to be collecting this data, either in official statistics or in academic surveys. 不论用于官方统计还是学术研究,似乎没有人统计这些数据。
The official statistics on productivity growth. 关于生产力增长的官方统计数据。